Mental Health Resource Page

Managing your mental health is a journey. There are many factors that accumulate to determine your overall level of well being. 

Many of our patients find that focusing on several facets of their mental health yields the best results. TMS acts as a kick-starter to recovery, but forming healthy habits and identifying other interventions that also help will cause a sustained and growing progress.

For example, some but not all of our patients are able to titrate off of their antidepressant medication during the course of TMS with the help of their routine psychiatrist. More usual than that, however, patients usually stay on one or more of their antidepressant medications that work well for them throughout the course and after TMS.

Some patients engage in mindfulness, exercise, or sleep routines that work in tandem with TMS to help them reach their peak recovery.

 No two patients will have the same experience, as no two people have the same needs pertaining to their mental health.

The following resources are meant to serve as a springboard for further exploration of treatment optimization.

Sleep Hygiene

What is Sleep Hygiene?

‘Sleep hygiene’ is the term used to describe good sleep habits.

Considerable research has gone into developing a set of

guidelines and tips which are designed to enhance good

sleeping, and there is much evidence to suggest that these

strategies can provide long-term solutions to sleep difficulties.

There are many medications which are used to treat insomnia,

but these tend to be only effective in the short-term. Ongoing

use of sleeping pills may lead to dependence and interfere

with developing good sleep habits independent of medication,

thereby prolonging sleep difficulties. Talk to your health

professional about what is right for you, but we recommend

good sleep hygiene as an important part of treating insomnia,

either with other strategies such as medication or cognitive

therapy or alone.

Sleep Hygiene Tips

  1. I) Get regular. One of the best ways co train your body to

sleep well is to go to bed and get up at more or less the

same time every day, even on weekends and days off! This

regular rhythm will make you feel better and will give your

body something to work from.

2) Sleep when sleepy. Only try to sleep when you actually

feel tired or sleepy, rather than spending too much time

awake in bed.

3) Get up & try again. If you haven’t been able to get to

sleep after about 20 minutes or more, get up and do

something calming or boring until you feel sleepy, then

return to bed and try again. Sit quietly on the couch with

the lights off (bright light will tell your brain that it is time

to wake up), or read something boring like the phone

book. Avoid doing anything that is too stimulating or

interesting, as this will wake you up even more.

4) Avoid caffeine & nicotine. It is best to avoid consuming

any caffeine (in coffee, tea, cola drinks, chocolate, and

some medications) or nicotine (cigarettes) for at least 4-6

hours before going to bed. These substances act as

stimulants and interfere with the ability to fall asleep

5) Avoid alcohol. It is also best to avoid

alcohol for at least 4-6 hours before going to

bed. Many people believe that alcohol is

relaxing and helps them to get to sleep at

first, but it actually interrupts the quality of


6) Bed is for sleeping. Try not to use your bed

for anything other than sleeping and sex, so that your body

comes to associate bed with sleep. If you use bed as a

place to watch TV, eat, read, work on your laptop, pay

bills, and other things, your body will not learn this


7) No naps. It is best to avoid taking naps

during the day, to make sure that you

are tired at bedtime. If you can’t make it

through the day without a nap, make

sure it is for less than an hour and

before 3pm.

8) Sleep rituals. You can develop your own rituals of things to

remind your body that it is time to sleep • some people find

it useful to do relaxing stretches or breathing exercises for

15 minutes before bed each night, or sit calmly with a cup of

caffeine-free tea.


9) Bathtime. Having a hot bath 1-2 hours before bedtime can

be useful, as it will raise your body temperature, causing you

to feel sleepy as your body temperature drops again.

Research shows that sleepiness is associated with a drop in

body temperature.

10) No clock-watching. Many people who struggle with sleep

tend to watch the clock too much. Frequently checking the

clock during the night can wake you up (especially if you turn

on the light to read the time) and reinforces negative

thoughts such as “Oh no, look how late it is, I’ll never get to

sleep” or “it’s so early, I have only slept for 5 hours, this is


11) Use a sleep diary. This worksheet can be a useful way of

making sure you have the right facts about your sleep, rather

than making assumptions. Because a diary involves watching

the clock (see point I 0) it is a good idea to only use it for

two weeks to get an idea of what is going and then

perhaps two months down the track to see how you

are progressing.

12) Exercise. Regular exercise is a good idea to

help with good sleep, but try not to do strenuous

exercise in the 4 hours before bedtime. Morning

walks are a great way to start the day feeling refreshed!

13) Eat right. A healthy, balanced diet will help you to sleep

well, but timing is important. Some people find that a very

empty stomach at bedtime is distracting, so it can be useful

to have a light snack, but a heavy meal soon before bed can

also interrupt sleep. Some people recommend a warm glass

of milk, which contains tryptophan, which acts as a natural

sleep inducer.

14) The right space. It is very important that your bed and

bedroom are quiet and comfortable for sleeping. A cooler

room with enough blankets to stay warm is best, and make

sure you have curtains or an eyemask to block out early

morning light and earplugs if there is noise outside your


15) Keep daytime routine the same. Even if you have a bad

night sleep and are tired it is important that you try to keep

your daytime activities the same as you had planned. That is,

don’t avoid activities because you feel tired. This can

reinforce the insomnia.


As with any new habits, allow 10-14 days to allow for results to emerge and be patient with yourself. Stay consistent and continue your routines as much as possible to get the best result.

Meditation & Mindfulness

Meditation is shown to thicken the pre-frontal cortex. This brain center manages higher order brain function, like increased awareness, concentration, and decision making. Changes in the brain show, with meditation, higher-order functions become stronger, while lower-order brain activities decrease.


Journaling helps keep your brain in tip-top shape. Not only does it boost memory and comprehension, it also increases working memory capacity, which may reflect improved cognitive processing and boost mood.

Exercise and the Brain

Exercise improves memory by increasing molecular targets like the brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF). This molecular factor increases synaptogenesis, forming new synapses that mediate learning and memory, making it easier to absorb information and form long-term memories.

Diet and the Brain

Our brains function best when we eat a nutritious and balanced diet. High-quality foods that contain fatty acids, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals nourish the brain and protect it from oxidative stress—the waste produced when the body uses oxygen, which can damage brain cells.